Welcome to the release of, this is currently a work in progress. We are basically creating an updated spreadsheet specifically for crates. The spreadsheet is below aswell as information on how to understand and read it. Our Steam accounts are listed below for reference or if you wish to communicate with us.
Steam Profiles
We need your help! If you like this site, please spread the word and get even the novice traders using it. The more people who see this, the more are informed. So please help us to spread the word.
We have learned that the spreadsheet does not work with Internet Explorer 9, who would have guessed? We are trying to work it out in the next day or so, but in the meantime download Mozilla Firefox ASAP.
Greetings! I'm [GBID] Outsourced, and welcome to the very first post on the new website I am working on with [GBID] Cosgrove, Essentially a Spreadsheet that is One Hundred Percent centered on crates, hat crafting (Soon to come), and Mann co packages (also in development :D). Both Cosgrove and I spend WAYYYY to much time on tf2.... mostly trading.
A few Weeks ago, Cosgrove and I started to notice that the current spreadsheets were woefully out of tune with what crates are worth opening, and which should be avoided. It seems as if crates and other forms of crafting have taken a back seat to being updated, and as such the tf2 trading community seems to be out of touch with what forms of crafting are good, and which should be avoided.
Seeing a need, we both set out to make a website that was entirely dedicated to crafting; We wanted to analyze each crate, find what the expected values are, and base crate costs on that, and not on the old antiquated spreadsheets.
After a few days of work, we seem to have gotten the formulas down pretty well, thanks to in no small part to Using their price listings, I found the estimated value of each crate in terms of what you could sell the Unboxings for to the tf2wh; Essentially I found what the unbox value of each crate was. In the spreadsheet you see above, the first column shows what we think the current market value of each crate is (This is what we have bought and sold most crates for), and the second column shows the value of the unboxes if you sell them to the tf2wh.
After we finished, we realized that we could further expand on what we've learned: On the far right, you should see a column called "Test Price List". If you don't understand how this works, please look at the post called Test Price List Explained.
Okay, I know by now you're all dieing for a TL;DR version, so here you go:
TL;DR: We think the crate prices are wrong on most spreadsheets, so we calculated the values of each crate and published our own sheet. Hope you like it, and enjoy :)
Regarding Impartiality:
The blog hasn't even been officially launched, but I feel it is necessary for both Cosgrove and I to make a little statement first. We want to be as upfront with what we trade and how we trade as much as we can. That being said, we want to say a few things. Like all spreadsheets, these aren't canon, they aren't rock solid. We are doing our best to inform the tf2 public, at no benefit to ourselves (We might put ads on later, but for now this is a completely free, and ad-free site.) We both trade crates, and we both have profited of them. We aren't hiding this fact, you can look at our tf2outpost history whenever you want. I have an alt I use to store crates on, and plan to get another soon. We obviously aren't pretending to be withdrawn from the tf2 marketplace here, we trade too much to even pretend that we are. What we are trying to do is inform the tf2 trading public what crafting costs, and what it's benefits are. We will try to not post opinions, form biases, or pursue person gain as much as anyone could expect us to do. That being said, we are human. I'm sure we will get at least some form of disbelief or criticism for what we post here; that's fine. We both think our work and efforts will speak for themselves.